
constant current 直流電。

constant error

Electrical installation for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting constant current series circuits 機場照明和航路信標指示用電氣設備.地面導航照明用恒流串聯電路的檢修

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting constant current series ; supplement 1 : form 機場照明和航路信標的電氣裝置.航空地面照明恒流系列

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting constant current series circuits 機場照明和航路信標用電氣裝置.航空地面照明恒流串聯電路的維修

Adopted dedicated thick diaphragm and high - power integrated circuit to have high precision on voltage stability and constant current output 采用專用的厚膜大功率集成電路,具高精度的穩壓及恒流輸出特牲。

Applied dedicated thick diaphragm and high - power integrated circuit to have high precision on voltage stability and constant current output 采用專用的厚膜大功率集成電路,具高精度的穩壓及恒流輸出特牲。

The methods , diode compensation , constant current compensation , thermal sensitive resistor compensation and so on are widely used 可應用的方法很多:二極管補償法,恒流源補償法,熱敏電阻補償法等。

( 2 ) the temperature has great affect on the morphologies of the as - grown thin films in constant current electrochemical technique ( 2 )研究表明溫度對恒電流電化學制備薄膜的表面形貌有重要的影響。

The architecture adopts a current - mode , step - up dc - dc converter to drive white leds in series with constant current 該電路結構采用了電流控制技術的升壓dc / dc變換器,以恒定電流驅動串聯的白光led 。

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - constant current regulator iec 61822 : 2002 , modified ; german version en 61822 : 2003 機場照明和航路信標用電氣裝置.恒流調節器

Chapter three explains how the ups with constant current supply the power , as the electric power is not available 第三章重點講的是恒流ups在市電出現故障時如何實現恒流不間斷供電的。

Simulation research on soft starting of asynchronous motor at constant current based on an adaptive single neuron pid control algorithm 控制在異步電機限流軟起動中的仿真研究

Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - constant current regulator - equipment specifications and tests 航空用地面照明電氣設施.恒定電流調節器.設備規范和試驗

Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation . constant current regulator . equipment specifications and tests 航空用地面照明電氣設備.恒定電流調節器的設備規范和試驗

Chapter one summarizes the functions and theory of ups , introducing the ups with constant current briefly 第一章概述ups的功能及工作原理,并就恒流ups進行簡單介紹。

Sine sweeping constant current exciting for geophone characteristic parameter measurement and identification 地震檢波器特性參數識別的一種新的正弦掃頻恒流激勵方法

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes - constant current regulators 機場的照明和信號燈的電氣裝置.恒流調節器

The power supply can operate under the statement of constant current and constant voltage 電源可分別工作于恒壓、恒流兩種工作方式。

In the schematic above , i used the transistor constant current source example 在下列電路圖中,我使用了一個晶體管恒流源負載的例子。

Operation mode constant voltage mode , constant current mode , constant resistance mode 操作模式:固定電壓cv固定電流cc固定電阻cr